In July 1992 at the age of 13, during an altar call at Monument of Faith Evangelistic Church ( the late Apostle Dr. Richard D. Henton had become my Pastor later on) is when We first confessed JESUS CHRIST YAHSHUA as our PERSONAL LORD; SAVIOR and MASTER, coming from being abused sexually, verbally, and physically, I figured what could hurt in taking my chance in getting to have a relationship with JESUS CHRIST, as I always was curious about HIM and wanted to see how I can get to know HIM for myself, and be filled with HIS Holy Spirit. August 12th, 1992; HE baptized me with Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues of cloven fire, HalleluYAH!!! In September of 1992, after returning to Milwaukee from a weekend in Chicago; Holy Spirit had caught me up into the SPIRIT after I was actually laid back in the bed reading my Bible and in Prayer; where I ended up was in front of YAHSHUA CHRIST JESUS. HE called me an Evangelist three (3) times this was Our first APOSTOLIC EXPERIENCE.
Little did we know back then. As the years went by, HE allowed me to go through a "wilderness experience" and within this experience (from 1998 to 2004), We endured suicide attempts, heavy drinking, homelessness , self-hatred, gang banging, & sexual addiction;
Through these experiences we were being molded by The Potter to be HIS Apostle, something I really wasn't aware of at that time, which led to 2004 when I heard Holy Spirit tell me that God has called me to be more than just a Prophet. We then went on a 3 day fast for clarity from GOD on why I heard "God had called you to be more than just a Prophet," this fast went from 3 to 7 days...Between days 4-6, Jesus Christ appeared to me in the flesh, took me out of my body by the hand, and into the Spiritual Realm and while we were on our walk; HE began to reveal certain things to me about how the Church has been lying , holding the truth back in unrighteousness concerning HIS Grace, and Mercy when it comes to the people who endure what HE ordains as a thorn in their flesh... On day 7 is when HIS HOLINESS HIMSELF told me that HE had COMMISSIONED, CALLED, CHOSEN, FAVOR, APPOINTED, & ANOINTED me with signs of an APOSTLE being wrought upon me, within the furnace of affliction to be HIS Apostle.... In 2006 is when Holy Spirit told us to establish this ministry through another Supernatural encounter with Jesus Christ Himself, and in 2017 is when we brought it into fruition... and in 2019 is when we got our Non-profit Charter 501 (3)(C) benefits.